Thursday, September 13, 2012

when and where you should tell people about your sexuality?

Gay people are not any alian so when they meet people they need to say " Hi, i am BB, and I am gay",
It just makes you kinda weird, so you need to behave normal, and you dont need to tell everyone about
your sexuality, cuz you are not any different or special person, who has idenity of only 'GAY', Remember
that you're a human, so behave like human, have you ever noticed that some straight people meets you and
says" Hi, I am Bobby, and I am straight"? I m sure no, so it makes you weird if you tell everyone about your
sexuality unnecessarily, yeah when if someone asks you about your sexuality and you think you should tell them
then you should be honest with them,

There are lots of gay guys who just fool the people pretending they are straight, but they should remind that
they are fooling themselves, cuz flirting or being in relationship with straight people for gay people, doesn't makes
any sense.

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